MACDA is an international group conducting research on the management and analysis of complex data born from the fusion of the Data Management group (DAMA) and the Laboratory for Relational Algorithmics, Complexity and Learning (LARCA). The team is formed by members of the Computer Science (CS) and the Computer Architecture (AC) departments of UPC-Barcelonatech.


The work of the group focuses on the research and technology transfer in topics related to management, retrieval and analysis of large data volumes, information quality, data mining, machine learning and mathematical linguistics.

DAMA-UPC DAMA-UPC the Data Management group at UPC-BarcelonaTech. The work of our group focuses on the research and technology transfer in topics related to the management and retrieval of large data volumes, information quality and data exploration. DAMA-UPC is a member of Tecnio since 2005. Tecnio is an initiative of ACC10, the Agency for Innovation and Internationalization of the catalan enterprise, belonging to Generalitat de Catalunya. DAMA also has a large experience collaborating with companies and institutions, such as IBM or CA technologies.

Due to the focus on technology transfer Sparsity Technologies, the spin-out of DAMA was created implement go-to-market strategies in order to accelerate the product development cycle.

Check more information at DAMA-UPC website

LARCA LARCA is an international research group working on data mining, machine learning, data analysis, and mathematical linguistics. The group typically approach problems from sound mathematical principles, using modelling tools and techniques from algorithmics, computational complexity, automata theory, logic, discrete mathematics, statistics, and dynamic systems.

LARCA is also starting partnerships with companies and other institutions to apply our solutions to real-world problems.

Check more information at LARCA website

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